What is the International Guild of Knot Tyers?

A Registered Educational Charity, The International Guild of Knot Tyers was founded, with twenty-five members, in April 1982, as an association of folks with interests in knots and knotting techniques of all kinds. In succeeding years the Guild has grown beyond all expectation and we now have over one thousand members worldwide. Our membership includes all sorts of people, university professors, surgeons, sailors, scouts, magicians, farmers, miners and accountants, to name just a few. They live in places as far apart as Tasmania, the Faeroe Islands, Japan and the U.S.A.

We keep in touch with each other by correspondence, of course, by holding regular meetings and exhibitions at both international and local levels and also by

means of our quarterly magazine, "KNOTTING MATTERS", which is a mine of information, useful and obscure, on anything related to knotting. The Guild also publishes manuals, wall charts and postcards and sells its own ties and badges.

Members vary widely in their knowledge of the subject, some being interested novices, while others are experts in particular specialties, but everyone acknowledges that they have much to learn from each other and a continuous informal exchange of information and ideas is probably the Guild's most enjoyable characteristic.

What is the IGKTNA?

The purpose of the IGKT-NA is to serve as the North American section of the International Guild of Knot Tyers (IGKT). The purpose of which is to promote the art, craft, and science of knotting, its study and practice, and to facilitate communications among all North American members and between the IGKT-NA and IGKT.

Membership in the IGKT-NA is be open to any IGKT member interested in the purposes of the IGKT-NA.

Members who live in North America may be enrolled simultaneously in IGKT and IGKT-NA. Members of the IGKT may become members of the IGKT-NA on payment of the IGKT-NA membership dues.

The IGKT-NA publishes the "InterKnot" a periodic newsletter. The "InterKnot" includes information on events, specialties, and suppliers of rope and cordage, and publishing articles submitted by members. The IGKT-NA provides a central contact point for members within North America for problems with addresses, telephone numbers, etc.

Lindsey Philpott


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Rusty Helms


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John Staley


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Interknot Editor

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SRV Design


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